Karen Clarkson: Choctaw

This drawing was inspired by another photo of Edward Curtis. Curtis' photo was entitled "Hoop-on-the-forehead Crow". When I saw this photo I was thinking of the words of another Crow, Chief Plenty Coups, who is credited with the following saying:

"The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the dust and blood of our ancestors... A few more passing suns will see us here no more, and our dust and bones will mingle with the same prairies. I see as in a vision the dying spark of our council fires, the ashes cold and white. I see no longer the curling smoke rising from our lodge poles. I hear no longer the songs of the women as they prepare the meal... We are like birds with a broken wing. My heart is cold within me. My eyes are growing dim - I am old." Chief Plenty Coups - Crow

click pic for close-up


I Am Crow
18 x 15

Graphite and Charcoal on Vellum Bristol

(plus sh/han)



As a Native American and a member of the Choctaw Nation I have a great affection for Native American art and culture. I grew up surrounded by art from all over the world but never found the perfect blend of beauty and spiritual expression until I saw my first Native American portrait.

Although my primary works are those of Native Americans I also create works in still life and landscape as well as portraits in other genres. Being a self-taught artist has encouraged me to experiment with several types of expression although I keep coming back to the human form. There is something about the eyes!

I am currently living in California where my most recent works have focused on native cultures of the southwest. I am a member of the National Registry of Native American Artists and a registered Choctaw artist. Although I have been a professional artist for a limited number of years I have been accepted into numerous competitions and won several awards. In 2005 I won first place for my graphite drawing in the internationally acclaimed Conservatory Art Classic competition.

The world should be seen out of the corner of one's eyes…. allowing one's self to enter into the world of ritual and ceremony! Thank you for your interest in my art and may you walk in beauty.

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